
Thursday, 30 April 2009

Junior Football: It's back

How long before you hear one of these comments:

Loitering, yes we're talking about the lazy striker planted by the other coach.
Small Sided Games...whatderyermean it's good for em, just boot it will ya.
Hey Ref...where's your specks.
Hey Coach..what about my son..oh so I am the Coach now!
Who's got the whistle, any whistle.
That didn't go in, where's the net.
He's offside I'm telling youse. What is offside anyway?
Don't dribble it, pass it (to my kid)
I'll be back, what time does the game finish?

Oh yes Junior Football is back, over 12,000 kids in Canberra will do their best, can't wait....but steel yourself..and not just for the early starts and cold mornings.

May the kid have fun.

And remember the Ref's, the Coach and the Club's only a game and we need them everyone of them and more.

Canberra boys: Not good enough?

Canberra has produced a number of Socceroos, A-League players and currently has 4 Canberrans in the Joeys squad.

So when they announced the first Under 13 boys Australian team ever....thirty spots mind you..I felt sure with thousands of kids playing football, Coerver Coaching, and various Academy and Clinics around town surely we'd be able to get one or maybe two players into the squad.

Our kids have never had so much coaching....

But not one made the list of 30....oh well, not all is lost, the local lads can always transfer to AFL, League and Union..where the skill set is less demanding.


Football can learn from swimming.

Training once a week is enough for anyteam, particularly a girls team.
Parents don't want to commit more than once a week to sport?

Right, no wrong!

Had a great post from Mr A. thought I'd give it it's own heading...

We have many thousands of young swimmers in Australia doing a minimum of five training sessions a week between 1 - 2 hours per session. Thousands of them!


Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Mark Viduka: You can do it?

He's back, the big fella, but his team is going down.

52,000 Geordies will be crying in their beer if as expected they don't get the points they need in the next four games.

And it will make for great TV....unless you are a Geordie fan.

Must admit watching the last game of the English season is always a hoot, something about watching football fans cying when their team goes down...gets me everytime...

anyway on to the Master...


Football Kulture: Finnish style

Canberra Rad Trpkovski is taking a group of Woden Valley Under 15 Boys to play in Finland, England, France and Holland in July. See earlier post for podcast of Rad and the trip. No easy task and hats off again to Woden Valley.

But he also mentioned he's arranged for his daughter, who will travel with the group, to play a game in the tournament with a Helsinki local Under 13 side.

"How good is your team," said Rad to the local Finnish Coach
"Mid-table in Divison 1, they go okay."
"How often do they train, my daughter's team does an hour or so a week," said Rad.
"The girls train on grass under a dome four times a week, one and half hours each time," informed the Finnish Coach

Imagine the reaction you'd get from the team and the parents doing that with an Under 13 girls team in Australia.

Stop laughing.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Welcome home Australians're joking, never, Scottish...not after last weeks results in the World Cup.

Guess who is going to the World Cup in 2010..Australia...and suddenly Rhys Williams (Wales) Dean Bouzanis (Greece) and Brad Inman (Scotland) Shane Lowry (Ireland) have all decided they are AUSTRALIAN.

"Mate always was, just played for (insert other country here) for the craic, to take the michael really, but once Pim rang dinky di...he just said..World Cup and I thought you know I've always been so Australian, in my just feel right.

Note: At the time of writing Scotland, Wales have little chance of quaifying..wouldn't you know it!

Guess we'll be a better stronger after 2010 after all, with Euro based James Troisi, Bruce Djite, Brett Holman, Nikita Rukvystya, Mile Jedinak, James Holland, Michael Beauchamp, Matt Spiranovic, Carl Valeri all expected to move to the next tier post 2010.

Mariners to Canberra: More competitive football

Looks and sounds like the Mariners will bring two A-League games to Canberra. V Adelaide and Perth Glory.

And if Perth Glory sign Denilson or Alvaro Recoba as rumoured we'll be in for a treat like never before.

These are not pre-season games but regular competitive fixtures.
First the Socceroos now A-League. Good stuff.
The record Socceroos crowd recently in Canberra obviously woke a few people up in football land and local Govt, Business land, to many of us it merely confirmed what our evidence was saying.

But we don't want these games instead of an A-League team, but maybe this is another step on a long but inevitable journey.

And if the local Government can bring a few Sydney Swans AFL to Canberra for a few games this is the least the burgeoning football community deserves....and of course more Socceroos games will be in the mix as well.

Canberra will be the 12th team, or if West Sydney are given the nod as the FFA clearly wish, then the 13th..where else can the A-League go? We'll get there; just hang in.

Nearpost Podcast Ante Juric, Rad Trpkovski

Like to be a Radio Host. The local football half hour is looking for a few presenters to share the load. We'll train you, no problems, and it should be fun. Email


Nationally we hear from Ante Juric the Australian Under 13 Coach, the first one ever, we talk Mariners and Jets in their ACL tournaments and we have news, opinions and all the latest Aussie football talk.

Locally below we hear from Woden Valley's Rad Trpkovski on the latest, extensive Woden trip to Europe. It's a hugely impressive football tour and Russ wraps the local news and football


Football: Most popular in which State or Territory?

It's Canberra of course..with the highest percentage of registered players. Surely a base to build long-term local football support for an A-League side...

but NSW have 232,000 players whereas Victoria has just 37,000 players. Now we know the Vic's won't allocate pitches to football, away from their beloved AFL but the difference in numbers between the two states is incredible. See numbers below.


Monday, 27 April 2009

FFA fight for women's rights: Dubbo Dinosaurs re-educated?

Canberra United players Ashleigh and Nicole Sykes maybe be barred from playing in their local Dubbo/Bathurst Under 18 team in the Western District boys league...but the story has reached the FFA....

And the FFA has it seems engaged their Legal Department quicksmart.

Some members of the local association were laughing almost mocking when I rang them recently. Guess who is laughing now?

Reckon there is only one winner in this. So forget the legals and let the girls play..if others deem they are good enough, physical enough blah blah

Isn't that what ANY coach does when picking an Under 18 team? Anything else is purely discriminatory isn't it?

And while we're on it..what a way to thank two players who have by their pure talent done so much to promote the Dubbo Football District.

You'd think that Western District would be doing it's utmost to help any player male or female who has reached or the potential to reach the very top.

Football Administrator's: A rare breed!

We've done it!

No, sadly not Canberra, not yet..but Burton Albion.

I was born in the Brewing Capital of the World, surrounded by Brian Clough League Champs Derby County, European Cup winners Aston Villa, and Notts Forest, and the super Baggies of the 1980's.

Burton is just eight miles from Derby, 21 from Nottingham, 25 from Birmingham, 30 Stoke, 25 Leicester, 25 West Brom, 25 Wolves so plenty of local football around over the years.

It was the local Monks who added the special properties from the local water to make that first pint.

After 100 years or so we made into the Football League proper. In true Burton style we needed a win on the last day or even a draw having thrown a 19 point lead away.....but we lost.

Which is how we like it in Burton. For the record Cambridge United the over-educated U's drew 0-0 so whilst the Brewer's drooped..we're up. Can you believe it!

But check out the Burton Albion Study Centre...not bad for a non-league club is it?

Friday, 24 April 2009

Asia review: Matchday 4. McKinna regains credibility..but not Tobin?

Mariners and Jets both needed wins in matchday 4 and despite some notable performances they both flopped badly to Japanese sides.

Yes that's right the "technically better Japanese sides".

But maybe it's not the technical difference between the players that is so crucial to results against Japanese sides...maybe it's the difference between the Coaches.


Gold Coast or Hartlepool? You choose

"I think he's selling himself short, but I think it's a lifestyle decision." so says Chris Turner Hartlepool manager talking about Joel Porter's decision to play for the Gold Coast.

No Chris, you blinkered Englishman, it's about the football:
He'll play alongside Champions League player Jason Culina,
He'll play at a Stadium Hartlepool can only dream of,
His first game will be in the Bird Nest Stadium in Beijing, followed by SunCorp in the League.
He has a strong chance of representing his country in coming years,
He has a chance of exploring other countries through the Asian Champions League,
He may get loaned to Beijing, Shandong or elsewhere if he is any good,
He will be able to build a career beyond football, beyond Hartlepool in coming years.
He's joining a growth industry,
He'll be playing a different style of football, less, much less direct,

oh and then there is the lifestyle, and you are probably just a tad jealous Chris...
A year in the Gold Coast, in the Nation's Premier League under Clive Palmer and Paul Okon or another year in Hartlepool.


Bahrain to stop Australia: Yeah right.

First it was the wacky Uzbek video now it's Bahrain...can't wait to see the Japanese promotion...guess it will be all about trying to score goals..them not us!

Young Matildas in Camp

Squad details below


Dire time for Aussie clubs

Western Force are losing millions each year, Adelaide look unlikely to get a Basketball team in the new league, Port Adelaide with crowds of 20,000 are in dire financial difficulties.

Add in NSWRU, Adelaide United, and Brisbane Roar...not a great few years ahead for any code.

Interesting all codes are looking to expand, teams, number of games etc etc.

Realistically can Australia support 14 A-League teams, 18 AFL teams, 5 Rugby Union teams and a heap of NRL...not to mention a Basketball league etc etc?

Of course not. The Governing Bodies will have to prop up teams or the clubs are gone. Simple as!

Something has to give...Western Force could be the first to be "moved." Anyone for a spot of Rugger in the new stadium in Melbourne?

A-League Canberran confirmed

Stephen Lustica signed for Gold Coast United first-team this week.

What young Canberran wouldn't want to swap places with Canberra's Andrew Baresic and Lustica as they start their first A-League contracts onlongside Jason Culina and the richest team in the league..supposedly.

And Central Coast Mariners are increasingly likely to bring an A-League game to Canberra...if the price is right I guess.

Canberrans in Anzac Day Tribute

Christophe Bush (ACT/AIS), Stephen Domenici (ACT/AIS), Jason Geria (ACT/AIS), Alexander Meibusch (ACT/AIS), are all in Turkey for the Australia/Turkey inaugural Anzac Day football match. This year it's the Under 17's taking part.


Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Ljubo Milicevic: A star of season 5?

With Melbourne's Kevin Muscat on his last legs, should they have kept Milicevic.

What a player? He's played a couple of A-League games, a couple of Asian Champions League games but I'm desperate to see him sign for the full A-League season


2XX Radio Football Host wanted.

Every Tuesday..or every second week...Russ Gibbs and you to cover the Local football scene in it's broadest sense every week...30 minutes from 7pm 2XX. We'll train you..have no fear. Contact or forward to a friend...male or female young or old. Come and have a try.

Futsal Comp in day?

AFC Futsal Champs will be held in Iran this year.

NSW Thunder will represent Australia this year having defeated Canberra in the final.

Given the strength of ACT Futsal it wouldn't be hard to see Canberra in the AFC Final...and this tournament held in Canberra.

With the TV viewing figures for Futsal across Asia this is a tournament that could make money.....quickly.

Nearpost denounces Twitter

Having experimented with Twitting, on behalf of you guys who haven't tried really is to tedious for words.

I've stopped clearly is for Twits.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Podcast: FFA Tech Director Han Berger

Download National Show

Nationally we look at the A-League draw talk Asian Champions League and hear from Lawrie McKinna and Matt Simon ahead of last nights 2-1 defeat to Kawasaki Frontale.

On the local show we hear from FFA Tech Director Han Berger. Download Han Berger interview here.

If you'd like to get involved in presenting the Local Half Hour with Russ Gibbs please contact

It's 30 minutes every radio and don't worry we'll train you.

Ben Buckley: Expansion still Canberra?

"But if you look at the game overall, participation is still growing, hopefully we're going to take that next step and qualify for the World Cup, so there's some real momentum there....

"So we're not worried for the long term. We think the game generally is in good shape.

On expansion, Buckley added: "We're committed to expansion. Our business plan accommodates expansion. We have to make sure we select the right partners, with the right amount of capital....But we're very close to signing an agreement with the consortium in Melbourne, and we've got a number of other proposals for the 12th licence. Nothing at this stage will slow it [expansion] down."

From the SMH today. Clearly if Canberra has sufficient funds they will push their way in.

Monday, 20 April 2009

Twitteroo: Blogging only shorter!

I'm so over blogging. The length of the posts are almost thesis like to my tiny I've joined Twitter...I'm a Twitteroo of course and you can follow me if you wish..whatever that means.

Just thought we should have some Canberra football twit on Twitter.

Anyway Tuesday on the Nearpost:

Burton Albion(indulge me it's my home town and they need one point to make it to the Football League in England for the first time ever.... will they make it?
A-League Draw.
Lozza Mckinna and Matt Simon
and of course Russ Gibbs and Michella Bertrand take you through the whole thing

Russ gives up the run down on the opening day of the Canberra Premier League
And FFA Tech Director Han Berger speaks to us..errr that's an exclusive I suppose but heck we ain't that precious about our interviews!


6 out of 10 is good enough for me

There will be 6 teams in the A-League Finals this season. That's 6 from 10.

Many football fans are already crying in there beer, saying the sixth team should not be able to win, it's unAustralian, unfootball..blah blah blah.


Imagine if Canberra were in the A-League Season 5.

If Canberra were in the league we'd have:
Jason Culina, leading Gold Coast United to play at the Canberra Stadium. A Socceroo. Still only 29 would we ever have a fitter, younger, better credentialed Australian playing football in Canberra at his peak?

Robbie Fowler would be in Canberra to play for Townsville. All the Liverpool TV watchers would surely stumble up to Canberra Stadium for that one.

Melbourne Victory and Sydney FC would bring large travelling support, but they'd go home defeated

Nikolai Topor-Stanley would be welcomed back...maybe..with Newcastle.
We'd thrash the Mariners with our brand of football and maybe Kaz Patafta showing the way..wouldn't that be fantastic for our brand, Canberra and Kaz.

Adelaide United Runners-Up in Asia would also be runners-up in Canberra.
And Perth Glory..Denilson or not, Canberra would just be a little easier for Perth to get home from after another away fact compared to playing Wellington..this would be a Perth home game..sort of.

So bring on Season 6 and a sold-out first home game.

Canberra A-League draw.

Below you can read all about the impact of today's Season 5 A-League draw on won't take long...although a few of our Ref's called Ben might disagree.


A-League: 51 more games this season!

An early start, (Aug 6th) and much later finish (March 20). Which extends the season by about 6 or 7 weeks.

We're getting closer to a real football season. 27 games plus A World Cup's only going to get better and better for Aussie football fans.

New teams, new players, more games. A-League takes another step forward.


A-League Matures? Pre-Season comp dumped

Time for FFA to bring two overseas clubs to play a pre-season tournament?

Pre-Season competition is dumped, but what will fill it? And why the late notice from the FFA?

Is it merely, as I suspect, a cost-reduction exercise for the clubs as an extended season awaits or do we have a real plan?

A showcase four team pre-season competition would be nice. Two A-League and two foreign clubs....and maybe inclusion of some State Premier League teams in regional four team competitions.


Sunday, 19 April 2009

FFA Tech Director Han Berger on Nearpost Radio on Tuesday.

Had a chat with FFA Tech Director Han Berger, the man with the plan to take the game forward over the next four years in Australia.


Capital Football Academy: Value for Money?

Questions raised after National Championships by one onlooker.

The National Under 13 Boys competition finished yesterday. Girls and Boys results below. Also below is a post from one "Anonymous" poster.

I have no view on the Capital Football Academy of any real expertise or depth so I won't comment.

But the person who wrote this clearly does and the questions raised are in my view not unreasonable, indeed should be discussed and answered after every National Champs or end of season review.

I'm sure they are.

Anyway thought it was worth posting in full in it's own blog so read below.

Cap Football Tech Director Ian Shaw will be on the Nearpost Radio in a couple of weeks so we'll go through some of these thoughts with him. And indeed if you have any others please email or post to the blog.


Friday, 17 April 2009

Ronaldo: What a moment

What a goal from Ronaldo.

What made him do it? What made him think he could beat the keeper from that distance with such power and accuracy? One of the greatest indivdual sporting moments in any sport I reckon.

Audacious, and one of the greatest goals ever scored.

32 meters and bang. Straight as an arrow!

Which got me thinking when was the last time any A-League player scored from such a distance, or even had an accurate shot from such a distance.

With Danny Tiatto, Carlos Hernandez, Mile Jedinak, running round in recent years you'd have thought we'd have seen some long range efforts. Some long-range goals.

A-League could do with a few belters! Maybe Jason Culina will provide.

A-League Season Draw out on Monday.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Local Football Radio Show Host wanted!

Nearpost Radio are looking for local football hosts to join with Russ Gibbs to cover all things local football from 7-7-30pm Every Tuesday.

Currently the local half hour is podcast and streamed as well as live to air.

If you have enthusiasm and passion for Canberra Football at any level and would like to learn more about Radio..we'll train you and get you on air.


Canberra Football Forum

Canberra Football Forum..whatever a next an A-League team?

Good luck to whoever started's about time!

Podcast: Nicola Williams

This week we talk Asian Champions League hear from Lawrie McKinna,national and from around the 27, 50 minute mark we have local news and an extended interview with Australia's foremost female football coach, FFA Scholarship holder, High School Football Teacher and W-League Coach Nicola Williams...and she's only 26!

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Is this your dream job?

Imagine teaching football all week. Not a bad job if you are a teacher!
Imagine Coaching a National League side, throw in an FFA Scholarship which includes an annual trip overseas to find a mentor, National Under 14 Selector, and Assistant to the first Australian Under 14 team heading to Vietnam in June.

This is the life of Perth Glory W-League Coach Nicola Williams and she's just 26. is where Nicola teaches; and check out Lynwood high School in West Australia. Itis one of five high schools in the West with a football program.

If you get into the football program you get to do 5 hours football a week in school time. That's more than Canberra's weekly Academy training school time!

Time for Canberra to match or improve on the West? I'm sure we can. We just need a Public School with vision and energy.

Now anyone know a teacher in a High School with a passion for kids, education and football.

Cor..Apples and Football unite...

Proud to be an Apple eater.

Batlow Apples have joined with FFA (see below) to promote'Live Active! Live Healthy! Live Socceroos!'

This is the first time the Batlow group has joined with a Sports Code in Australia.

Clearly football can take a message across the whole nation unlike League, or Union or even AFL. Besides those codes hardly fit in with the healthy lifestyle do the body tends to end up a tad bashed and broken after only 21 games per year....and try playing those games for life.

Off to get my Batlow Apple right now!


Nearpost Radio tonight

Nationally from 6.30 we'll discuss the issues of the week...the Mariners thumping, ACL hear from Lawrie McKinna, National Junior Championships, and have a heap of news views etc.

Locally from 7pm we'll talk to Nicola Williams, Australian Under 14 Asst Coach, and the only female coach in the W-League with Perth Glory.

We're streamed on or podcast here tomorrow. In Canberra on 98.3FM.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Aussie football: It's too expensive

FFA Technical Director Han Berger talking at the National Junior Championships in Canberra yesterday said there is a chapter in the National Curriculum (coming soon) about the financial barrier for football.

Football became the World's game because it's so easily accessible for everyone, rich or poor, everyone can play. So if there is a financial barrier, which I think there is in Australia, we have to do something about it and make football accessibly for everyone

Amen Brother!

Canberran to Coach Australia.

Former Tuggeranong boy Ante Juric will Coach the Australian inaugural Under 13 side. Ante was sitting alongside FFA Technical Director Han Berger at the trials in Canberra today.

Interviews with both will be aired on the Nearpost Radio in coming weeks.

This week we will have FFA and Perth Glory Coach Nicola Williams in the studio, one of the few professional female football coaches in Australia, maybe the only one.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Canberra boy sees United's next rising star.

One of Canberra's Australian Under 18's Stephen Lustica, 17, went to Old Trafford last week for the first time. Stephen was there to watch his second Premier League game. His first was the previous day...West Ham v Sunderland.

The Old Trafford game, 75,000 plus saw Man United v Aston Villa. 3-2 to United with 17 year old Federico Macheda scoring that wonder goal which may yet seal the title.

Wonder what the young Canberra lad thought as he watched a rising star making his way?

Stephen is expected to sign for Gold Coast FC first team this season and will have his own opportunities...starting in Bird's Nest in China in June. Nice start!

Heading to England for a trial? Good luck.

There seem to be an increasing number of stories of young Aussie kids been "tapped on the shoulder" and then asked to pay to go and trial in England. The boys/families thinking they maybe onto something good...well let's put it in perspective.

10,000 boys trial in the UK every year for positions in the EPL, Championship, Div 1 and Div 2.....getting a trial is not hard.

Of these 3% are signed up.

Of these only 3% ever get more than 3 years pay from football.

So before you pay someone to get you a trial consider this.
Did Viduka, Kewell or Emerton have to pay for a trial in England/Europe?

And also what is in it for the guy "recommending you?"

Americans see the sense of the Round Ball.

We've all seen and still see the innane, fearful and just plain ignorant attempts at Australia's finest sports journalists to mock or run down the game of football.

Why? Well you have to ask Peter FitzSimon, Roy Masters, Andrew Stevenson, Rebecca Wilson, Mike Sheehan and all the others why they have done it over the years. Seems football, although incredibly popular at all levels in Australia has become popular inspite of any mainstream support.

No mean achievement.

And America has had a similar fear.

The latest article is written here, but unlike most Aussie articles it actually has the ability to see the benefits of the game to our children.
And of course as football becomes increasingly mainstream in Australia it is the junior base that gives the game it's increasing advantage.

Not to mention the increasing number of younger media who are able to enjoy and write positively about more than one code.

Soccer is a self-inflicted wound. Americans have nobody to blame but themselves. Conservative suburban families, the backbone of America, have turned to soccer in droves. Baseball is too intimidating, football too brutal, and basketball takes too much time to develop the required skills.

American parents in the past several decades are overworked and exhausted, but their children are overweight and neglected. Soccer is the perfect antidote to television and video games. It forces kids to run and run, and everyone can play their role, no matter how minor or irrelevant to the game. Soccer and television are the peanut butter and jelly of parenting.

And what America does....Australia follows! Rejoice.

Canberra ready but West Sydney wanted?

A-League4Canberra has investors, sponsors, a great ground, training facilities, foundation members 1700, 13,000 grassroots signatures but the FFA are pushing hard to get West Sydney.

Stories continue to be in my view "made up" around the West Sydney bid as the FFA and others attempt to stoke the fires. Little substance around any of the stories.

Fair enough. A Fox Tv deal with a second Melbourne and Sydney team makes sense to me. But if Canberra's bid is "the best ever seen," can we have 13 teams?

FFA stoking the fires

FOOTBALL Federation Australia boss Ben Buckley confirmed to Parrot that, as suggested in this paper last week, the backers of South Coast FC's A-League bid are considering extending their reach to Sydney. "There has been some discussion with the Wollongong group that they might look to expand their territory to include the western part of Sydney," Buckley said. "Wollongong has talked to us about having a western Sydney identity as well." WIN Stadium remains a headache but here's the tricky bit for South Coast - FFA won't split a team between two regions. "They need to be based in western Sydney or Wollongong, not have a halfway house," Buckley said. "If they were to be in western Sydney and have a relationship with Wollongong, that might work."


Saturday, 11 April 2009

Australian Under 13 team...Aren't we getting serious?

Aussie Under 13 boys and 14 girls teams will be selected from this weeks State trials in Canberra starting Sunday.....oh and btw the fields chosen for our nation's best should suit the least talented!

Fixtures and squads below....


Thursday, 9 April 2009

Easter is a great time to bonk......

No I haven't gone mad..research shows if you want your kid to succeed at football in Australia or indeed any other sport this weekend could be the one.

The next and newest Australian National teams are about to be picked. Australia Under 13 girls and Under 14 for boys! With the girls heading to Vietnam and the boys to Malaysia in the coming months, both historic sides will be picked from the week long tournaments which take place in Canberra this weekend.......

But what has this got to do with bonking?


Wednesday, 8 April 2009

McKinna: We thought we could match them at football?

Lawrie said this after the game last night on Fox!

Even I wouldn't have thought that and I'm no coach.....would you?

McKinna learns nothing from Vidmar and Verbeek!

Mariners only conceded 5 at could have been more!

Haven't seen many teams as outclassed as the Central Coast Mariners for many years. Haven't seen a home coach get it so wrong either.

And can the Central Coast Mariners hierarchy or fans except that?

Celtic, my team, have had many pastings at the hands of Barcelona and Man United in recent years but funnily enough we rarely badly as this. Gordon Strachan knows the limitations of his budget when up against Ronaldo or Ronaldinho and co and changes tactics from the usual onslaught of teams at Parkhead in the Scottish League.

McKinna clearly doesn't.

Did he really think his team are a better ball playing side than Melbourne Victory, Sydney or Adelaide who all worked very hard to get close to Japanese sides in recent years?

The Mariners have always been the worst football team in the A-League. Producing a brand of football which has Matt Simon, Dylan MaCallister and Nik Mrdja as their potent weapons... passable for the A-League maybe, but never going to cut it against better football sides and in Kawasaki they met one....although in truth the Mariners played right into their hands.