
Sunday, 18 May 2008

Was this you at the kids football this weekend?

"Get rid of it", "kick it out", "don't do that", "tackle him" and "pass it"

Craig Foster says, "all of these messages restrictive, telling a youngster what not to do and often telling them to take the most basic and, in fact, incorrect option."

Craig Foster highlights how Parents/Coaches can hinder our children's development on the football field. As a teacher of 17 years I could not agree more.

So Kurangai football club in Sydney had a day where no-one bar players and refs were allowed to talk, shout etc. If you did dosh was donated to charity.

Fantastic idea.

Here's a part of Craig's article. Certainly food for thought.

"Get rid of it", "kick it out", "don't do that", "tackle him" and "pass it" are the usual fare we can hear on any suburban pitch every Saturday, all of these messages restrictive, telling a youngster what not to do and often telling them to take the most basic and, in fact, incorrect option.

Many of these messages are actually setting the youngster up for failure in adult football, since to play at elite level requires the ability to deal with risk, to make and deal with mistakes, and to be able to play comfortably on the ball in all situations.

The truth is that our kids would be far better off if they could play by themselves with parental supervision, not involvement, and would more quickly find their way within the game on what does and does not work.

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